
Write on Through...

Right now I’m just thinking about all of the online communities I’m in, and how I divide my time among them. There’s this one of course, and I go look at the front page, who’s commented me, and who in my network Everyone loves Raymond is on right now, sorry about that, anyway who in my network’s written something today.

Distraction: Raymond arguing with a kid about spiders flying and jumping on the bed.

Okay, there’s MySpace. I’m on there a bit reading surveys and bulletins and postings on the Hell’s Kitchen page.

Facebook. I just joined that to keep in touch with everyone who refuses to be part of MySpace. It’s too organized for my taste though.

Friendster. For some reason the Pinoys just seem to refuse to use the other two sites and flock to this one instead. Go figure.

Ray Stinks.

MyCreativeCommunity. This was supposed to be the social networking site for the entertainment industry. It was made by Creative Screenwriting Magazine, but it never works. Instead there’s Storylink, by the write

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