If you have writers block and you wan't to write at least 1 FLIPPING FICLET!
This is a ficlet for anyone who has writers block and wishes that they could at least write 1 STUPID FICLET !!!!!Or if you wan’t to write as many as possible.I am asking you a question and if you wan’t to answer then sequel your answer and why.
My question is this:
Who’s opinion do you honor the most on this web site and why?
My answer is Saint Cuck, because her writing is so thought provoking and beautiful, and she’s just awesome (laugh out loud), and it really means something to me when she comment’s on my ficlets, good or bad because she’s a great wrter.
I wrote this because I wanted to give the people that we adore some love, and because i still have horrible writers block =).
luv allwys,
H.H./Band Geek