

The note to me:

Hey, I’ve been thinking about my life lately & you popped in my mind.& when it comes to you, I wish I could push the rewind button on our relationship. Knowing what I know now and what I have learned from the people around me has really makes me miss you. I miss your smile, your touch and most importantly your booty. That thing was huge! No I’m playing. When I was with you, you eased my pain and you didnt leave me alone in the rain.You gave me what I wanted but you also taught me a lot.Taught me about my surrounds, my ways and bad habits.I wish I could have treated you better in our last days of our relationship because you definitely deserve more. I’m sorry I fell into drama & lies. I’m sorry for causing you unneccessary pain by lying and being dishonest. But if I could just hit that rewind button everything would be cool and better,at least for me.I see that you have moved on from me and is happy. I miss you. I have never had a strong relationship like I had with you. Don’t forget me.

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