A Brief Glimpse into the Mind of Amaster
Coming home from work at around 1:00 in the morning, eating my breakfast of a McDonald’s cheesburger, hoping my dad didn’t turn the computer off.
I arrive, walk into the computer room and see that the computer is still on. I check my three email addresses, find nothing that interesting, and decide to log on to Ficlets, you know, just to wind down from work.
Ooh! Stovohobo has a new entry in the “Endless Corridor” series. I sit and wonder where somebody that young gets that much talent and think about sequeling “Rings of Power”, and decide not to because there are no ideas to be found.
The next thing I know, it’s 3:00 and I decided that I’ve relaxed enough to go to bed, 10:00 is going to come all to soon.
Right before I drop off to sleep, something pops into my head that judt won’t leave and I’m up for another two hours get the idea out.
Man, I’m tired.