
Ficlet Challenge: Tell Me a Story About Penguins

As Earl and Marlow warily hunted for prey, the two penguins
suddenly spotted a vast swarm of krill. Giving the signal to be silent, Marlow turned his head for a moment and when he looked back Earl had vanished.

The swarm of thousands of krill marched before his eyes,
unobstructed in the distance, cascading down to the
boundless silver sands and steep rocky crags that
sheltered them from other predators. Earl raced into the
swarm, shooting in and out of the mass as Marlow playfully
joined in. Oblivious to the outside world, they gorged themselves on the krill, delighting in their frenzy.

Just as they neared a dark dropoff, Earl
glanced downward and spotted a leopard seal closing in on them, beady eyes aligned with his own. He looped around Marlow to warn him as the seal flipped over and raced toward them. The dexterous seal quickly gained on them, snapping at Earl’s feet as the chase ensued. He twirled and dodged to avoid being bitten as Marlow split off for added protection.

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