
Crewman Thirteen's Tale of Woe

Letting out an abrupt giggle, and praising his own powers of deduction, Crewman Thirteen verified. Finally, he would be recognized as a hero and given a chance to prove his value as a star man worthy of his own vessel. Maybe, after Alpha Base heard of the Captain’s misdemeanors aboard the Platypus, he would get this very ship! The thought sent shivers down his spine.

“Go ahead with your transmission Regina,” Alpha Base granted.

“I have some terrible news, Alpha,” Crewman Thirteen began.

A long suffering sigh broke through into his prepared speech. “Please to not embellish Regina. State your case.”

Well that was rude, he thought. Very well, he would be brief. “Captain Caine and the rest of the crew aboard the Platypus have disappeared on the planet surface of Hypolita Eleven. I just received a video feed of a very vicious encounter between the crew and the planet locals. I am honor-bound to report that the Captain has broken the law forbidding violence with native people,” he stated.

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