
Sand Women VIII- Powerful Magic

“Excluding us, I’m sure,”said Grinook.
“No,”replied Jynu,”He is twice the wizard some of us are. I could have released him sooner, but I wanted to teach him everything I possibly could and I did. The only things he does not know he must discover for himself. His Magical abilities are well-toned and extremely powerful. I must admit, I may have kept him longer to try to discover where his evergy comes from. But when I had taught him everything I could, I released him.”
Jynu sighed thoughtfully, thinking of the boy who had come to him at 13 for teaching, whom he now thought of as a son.
“Powerful, you say?Then perhaps he will be able to tip some certain aspects in our favor. It would do to have anouther Tyme,”said Grinook thoughtfully.
“Oh give it up.” said Jynu irately when suddenly a wind rushed through the circular room whipping around the wizards.
“Powerful Magic,” breathed Grinook, “But whose?”
“It is neither of Sand or Wizards,” murmured Lokae.
And the wizards sat silent, eyes wide.

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