
The Crazy Psychiatrist

“I was so hoping you wouldn’t suffer from your mother’s condition.”
That was strange. Becky was expecting a “hello,” maybe even “how may I help you,” but this? And…” Wait, what condition?” She said aloud.
“I’m only telling you this because she wanted you to know, but I advised her not to tell you. Your mother is insane. She seemed convinced that chickens flocked your house and claimed she was their queen. I’m sorry you got caught up in one of her frenzies.”
I _am insane. Stark raving mad!_ Becky’s sense screamed inside her head. But still, there was another part of her that knew she wasn’t crazy…I mean, she’s got a bajillion chickens at her house!
“Would you like to sit down?” The psychiatrist asked.

“Did anyone ever believe my mom?” I asked.
“Anyone I know of? No,” he answered. “Wait…there was that crazy guy who’s office was down the hall…but he was fired ages ago.”
“Can you give me his address?”

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