
The Lover's Leap {a poem}

lips joined in passion pushing
into her quietly acquiescing
body he was handsome and
smart all the girls wanted
to she’d be a fool to
say no though she felt…
his hands on her pushing
rubbing swirling and she
enjoyed till they were now
craving yearning urging
her to be more; to give more
she pleaded and begged;
he hungered and thirsted
desired and needed hands
and words dripping
like slime but she abandoned
religion and submitted hers
to be the next notch
shrinking inside herself
at his every touch
soon the ooze was seeping
into her and she cried
silent tears because he did not
kiss or promise forever love
and she realized
he never would

when he was through
when it was weak
and limp and shriveled
he took it out zipped up
and he was gone and she
was alone the lover who leaped
who dreamed and fell
cried and bled from the descent.

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