Remembering Granny
Her mom had said lightning never struck in the same place, yet here it was again.
It had struck right by the tree that her dad had planted in memory of her late grandmother. She remembred being shocked when her father had said that granny had died, she never thought that it could happen to granny. Other people yes, but not granny.
Suddenly she heard another crack of thunder.
She slowly walked outside, though she knew it was dangreous she felt compelled in some way, like granny was there.
It was raining hard now but she could just make out the tree.
Quickly she ran to the tree and sat down on the hard ground.
She looked at the purple sky and sighed, remembering the time she and granny had watched the storm from her bedroom window.
She remembered a lot of memories about granny now.
Suddenly she heard a voice yell against the booming thunder, ” Lily!” the voice said. she sighed and crawled out from under the small sapling and went inside.