
...and here we go again.

Now, I’m sure you can figure, but diapers are not an item on my regular shopping list.. I have better things to exchange my Agency issued vouchers for. Federation approved whiskey can be good, but the black market stuff is usally better, at twice the cost.

But something about the look on the kid’s face was calling to me. It wasn’t sympathy, but even a Tarsian like me is capable of curiosity. In fact, it is part of our training – always find out about that which is unfamiliar.

The fact that she was a tiny pinch of a thing (a human being no less), wandering the dark alleys of sector 71A alone save her plasma blaster, was setting off alarms in my head. The fact the curfew siren had sounded more than an hour ago made me step back again.
I’d heard of Agency stings where they tested your adherence to policy, and I knew the right thing here would be to grab the girl and take her in.

But something told me she was no Agency Cyborg. maybe it was the undeniably human smell. Sweat, and grime, and baby.

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