It will be o.k, you'll see
She slipped quitely out the front door and slowly walked out onto the damp grass. She lowered herself onto the ground and stared at the glistening stars.
She couldn’t sleep again, and didn’t like lying in bed thinking about the things that could happen (but most likely wouldn’t)
She could hear her parents “discussing” things in their bedroom.
She curled into a ball and started to cry, her wet tears hitting the already wet grass. Nothing was going right right in this new town. Everyone hated her at school and she hadn’t her from her old friends at all. Suddenly she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked up and saw her dad looking back at her.
He took her hand and they walked inside, back to her bedroom. He tucked her in, and quitely said
” It will be o.k megan, you’ll see”.
She had heard those words before but the way her dad had said them made her believe him, if only for a second.
She sighed and closed her eyes, felling a little bit hopeuful about tomorrow.