
Into The Black

Anson looked at Bruce on the cot, looked at the monitors.

“C’mon man,” he whispered as his fat fingers jammed the keys.

bash error file not found

He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He felt Shelly over his shoulder, anxiously looking at the screen. He tried to act like he was rubbing his eyes because he was tired-

Not because he was crying.

“What does that mean?” she whispered in his ear. “Anson? What does that mean?”

“How’re his vitals?” he coughed.

”’File not found.’ What does that mean?” She wasn’t going to allow him to escape.

Anson put his glasses on, face burning and eyes watering. He looked at the clock. Bruce had been in for three hours, but the crash had occurred 138 minutes ago. Shelly didn’t know, she was just a friend of Bruce’s who happened to be a doctor. Her only knowledge of VR came from the Matrix films. As long as her EEG and ECG screens showed the right species of squiggly lines…

As long as that happened, maybe Bruce was only missing.

Not dead.

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