
A New world

Lyra felt as if she were in a hurricane the minute she stepped into the hole. She couldn’t see Tanner either, and wondered where he was.
Suddenly she heard a large boom overhead and knew that the earth was gone. just like that all her family and friends were gone. BAM ! she hit the ground with a thud.
“Sorry about the landing, it can be pretty hard, of course that explosion didn’t help either”, a voice said. Slowly she turned around and saw Tanner offering a paw to help her up. “W-w-what am I doing here?” she asked. “She dosen’t know?” another deeper voice said. She looked around and saw a small poodle staring at her.
“Shush, Bartemus!” Tanner hissed. Lyra had a bunch of questions, most of them concerning why she was here, but for now all she wanted to ask for was some food. “Is the food any good here…in this world?”, Lyra said.
Bartemus smiled and said “I think you just read my mind”. Lyra smiled faintly back, stood up and followed the cat and the dog, trusting them to guide her in this new world.

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