

Cassie. Her only competition for her “most popular” label.

“Oh puh-lease, Cassie.” said Alyssa. “Kayla and Tyler just totally had a moment. He’s even invited her to his party, which I just so happen to know that you weren’t invited to.”

So far, Alyssa’s my favorite.

“F.Y.I. Uh-lyssa, I have been invited. He called me last night and after about, I don’t know, an hour of flirting with him, he invited me. I’ve already got the hottest Juicy Couture dress for it, which I uh-sume you’ve not even bought your dress yet?”

Ah crap. She’s right..

“Excuse you, she’s waiting for August’s line to come out – which comes out, u-hum, tomorrow? Your dress will be so last month ago.” snaps Lilly.

Cassie just stands there glaring at us, obviously not knowing what to say. “Well then, I guess I’ll see you at the party. May the best girl,” Cassie looks at Lilly, “which is, u-hum, me, win.”

It is soo on.

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