
What is it?

Why is it that I can’t seem to get behind another rush of ficlets? I churned them out a while ago, and then just kind of stalled at 100.

Someone said that the only cure for writer’s block is to give yourself permission to write complete shit, so that’s what I’m doing. It’s ok. It’s all going to be ok, and I’m back now. Just need to fill a couple of paragraphs really.

The whole steam/gears thing seems to have taken off around the internets, could it be that I’m getting bored with that? I hope not, because everyone seems to enjoy that. It would be a shame to just let that field lay fallow.

So I won’t do it then. I want to know what happens to Anso as much as anyone else, so I will just have to press on.

Moving was such a huge stressor that it really threw my whole routine out of whack. Will need time to get that back. But I’m not making excuses, I’m just writing.

Putting the house in order is definitely helping me put my mind in order. And the various daily rhythms slowly returning to normal.

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