
Fin's Story: Part Four

The coffee shop was small, but it was nice.

The walls were painted all sorts of wacky colors, polka dots, spirals, simple splashes of paint.

“Florence did that,” the man said, seeing Fin’s stares. Fin nodded as if this made complete sense.

A boy with red hair walked up. “Who’s he?”

Fin answered, giving his name.

“New guy?” the boy asked the man.


Fin looked at them, confused. “No, I’m just coming to get some coffee.”

The current waitress, a girl wearing unmatching knee socks, short bright red shorts, and a tie die shirt walked up. Her name tag read: FLORENCE .

Glancing at the walls, Fin understood now.

“What does he want?”

So Fin ordered coffee at the small place, and Sven explained what it all was to him. It was a home, a job, a family.

So Fin agreed, and for a while, he was, in fact, the New Guy.

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