
Flicet test drive

I’ve come into this room merely for a test, wondering what this whole ficlet thing is about and wondering if I will actually be stopped right at 1024 characters or not.
This is actually a very fascinating idea, allowing people to come in and write what they will, how they will and giving them free expression to their ideas. I’m just writing whatever comes into my head at the moment trying to fill up the space that is allowed me. Thus far I’m about half way there, according to the counter at the bottom of this widow. If I keep working at it, in a relatively short time I will have reached the limit allowed. Putting a limit on the number of characters that can be used is a very good idea as it allows for control of story length, at least to a degree, until someone comes along and adds a prequel or a sequel to what has already been written. I really like the counter. I like the interaction I feel as I’m writing allowing me to see what I have left and how inane my writing can and will become when writing it

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