The Cat Caught Shadow
Once when suffering from a cold, i saw a cat catch a shadow. Not its own mind you, but an indiscriminate shadow of lesser means. Perhaps one belonging to a mouse, or a cricket? Despite the background of the shadow, it was most certainly caught, which didn’t do a thing for the poor shadow’s self esteem. Now i, being a person of compassion, saw fit to catch the cat’s shadow, and hold it ransom till the feline showed a change of heart. The cat begged to differ, as only a cat could, then darted off.
Well i simply couldn’t take this insult lying down (nor lying up) so i followed, grabbed the cat by its tale, and pulled. Some may wonder how this was accomplished, but in simplest terms, i waited untill the cat began telling its kittens of its newfound shadow puppet, and interrupted its tale by pulling it. Soon after, i grabbed the cat caught shadow and made my getaway. A soft sneeze echoed down the path as i left, for it seems, that while i caught the cat’s shadow, the cat caught my cold. Catch my drift?