Crossing Ficlets: A Ficlet Chain
This is not a challenge. It’s a fun little chain.
This is how it goes:
I’ll publish one Ficlet where a character interacts with another author’s regular character.
That author will sequel with that same character interacting with the character of another author’s Ficlets, and so on.
Although each author only gets one Ficlet (the infamous 1,024 characters), each character will be written about in two Ficlets – one from its own author and one from another.
Eventually, some author will have a character in Boston, who will interact with my character Jessica (From The Other Woman).
Each author should include in the comments a note about where their own character first appeared, and where the other character first appeared.
The titles should all start with “Crossing Ficlets #” and then which two characters are involved.
Make sure you have the other author’s permission to use their character before you publish yours, as they will then have to sequel yours with one of their own.