Untethered Mines
“Ensign, do we have a quorum?” Captain Nepal asked.
“Sir, yes sir!” Ensign Riley replied.
“Gentlemen, as you were. There is a crisis at hand and I need
your full attention. Intelligence has discovered a terrorist plot to
deploy mines along the coastline of Florida. The Coast Guard
has addressed the initial crisis by patrolling the suspected area
with their vessels, but the terrorists involved with this plot are
sneaky bastards and their plan involves deploying untethered
mines near a well known facility for receiving ships and
transferring cargo. A yacht, fishing vessel, or jet-ski are
possible deployment vessels, and it is suspected that part of
the payload is a chemical nerve agent. For two years running I have had poorly trained personnel at the worst possible times. There are flaws in my staffing plans, but I believe that I can personally pick up the dead weight. The Empress has seen better sailors, but you can’t help that. In the meantime stay alert. That is all. Ensign.”