Pardon My English
“Werlch. Mag go boggen da circtstrum makka.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“Werlch. Iggo baggo stakkog!”
“Oh, I see. No. Werlch isn’t a word. Nor is any of that other stuff.”
“Oh for god’s sake….it’s dwarvish. Don’t you understand any dwarvish?”
“I understand you need to get a life. If you’re going to invent a language, you can’t just make it up as you go. There are all sorts of rules. It’s not just gobbedy-gook letters strung together to make it sound like a language. You have to research. Apply linguistic principles. Base the form, phonetics, and all that on a real language base. It takes years of study and expertise in ancient languages.”
“Now who needs to get a life. Werlch.”