

Valizar was furious! He had been reproved one too many times today. He was not interested in negotiations. When he said no more chances, he meant it. But, Edewe had a good heart and a sharp tounge. They bickered for quite some time, and Valizar got scarier by the moment. In the end, it was apparent that Edewe’s wits outmached Valizar’s muscles.

“Salim, son of Taparok, what do you propose to do as a penance if it should be allowed?” Lameka inquired, “Bear in mind that it must be unamimously accepted” She added, refering to Valizar.

I had never actually thought about that. In fact, I knew of nothing that could appease all of the Elders, especially not Valizar. I looked up at Lameka with a blank face and responded, “I… don’t know.”

Suddenly, Glorodel, with a thunderous voice, leapt into the air and proclaimed, “I propose a quest!”

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