
(Genre: A Report)Burglar-Alarm Factory Robbed!! Part 3

Anzilotti was correct, someone was watching him. It was one of our detectives, Allan Spirit. Off duty, Spirit came to the Coo Coo warehouse, to do surveillance, with a tape recorder and video tape recorder. Moonsonata said, “Why did you mark the box, ‘Genuine Alarm’?â€? Carey said, “Well, how would we find the box, if we put on it ‘This is not the ‘Genuine Alarm’?â€? BoldCheck yelled “YES!!!!! Well we don’t want police finding it!â€? By the time BoldCheck said that, backup for Spirit came. The detectives yelled, “It’s a bit late for that, isn’t?â€? BoldCheck yelled “I’m going to get you Allan Spirit, I’m going to get you!â€? The detectives located the alarm, arrested the Strawberry Burglars and took them to jail. That’s the last any of the strawberries spoke to Spirit, they ended up serving 10 years each. Spirit moved to Arizona as a retired detective.

So all you alarm-factory owners, put a new alarm on your factory, before someone steals a 24k gold, with genuine pink, purple and teal diamond, alarm system.

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