
This One's not About Love

“Jack?” he whispered, “Are you mad?” She looked across their two untouched cups of coffee.. and realized her mistake. Innocence danced childishly in his jade green eyes, shadowed by his long,dark eyelashes. Shit. Now she was gonna have to forgive him. Jack shifted her eyes back towards the frosty window.
Two small children bulked up in demented snowcoats danced across the curb. Their polkadot boots sloshing in the dirt and discolored melting snow.
An awkward sound erupted from their booth as he leaned back.
“Great,” he muttered, rolling his eyes, too, to add to his dramtic little rant,”I tell her she’s beautiful and she’s instantly pissed.”
Her mood quickly changed as she stared at him and fought back the urge to laugh.
His eyes flashed back towards her, startling.
“Are you going to tell me why my compliment threw you in the ‘Jasmine hate mode’?” he challenged. Now he seemed mad. His expression was on fire. Jack shook her head, wondering how she could explain this to him.

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