Sequel to "The Pipe"
Then one night when he was listening, his mother came in.
“Justen, you’re still awake? It’s WAY past your bedtime!” She then saw that he had his ear against that pipe that had been in their apartment all these years, but no one had bothered to fix.
“Justen, why is your ear against the pipe?” Justen didn’t answer, but his mother was curious. She put her ear against the pipe instead, and heard what Justen heard:
“I’m serious this time, Steve! We’re over! It’s not good for the girls, I swear!”
“Do you want to go to the Italian place, Greek place, Mexican place, Chinese place, sushi place, or pizza place tonight?”
“Waaa! Shut that baby up, Sydney!”
Justen's mother was curious, but also tired. Ignoring Justen, she went back to bed, thinking she would explore it more tomorrow, while Justen was at school.
TO BE CONTINUED …................................................................