
I Have No Idea

It was over by the time I knew what I was actually doing. We followed all the precautions they tell you in health class.. except the main one. Don’t do it.

I knew he thought it was all in the name of love and passion but I thought a little bit different. A small part of me thought sex was over-rated. But I let it go. And afterwards, there weren’t any awkward silences or embaressing moments. We just were. It was almost like, now what?

“Tom?” I turned, still close to him, but now I could watch his face.
“What’s my last name?” I continued.
“You don’t remember your own last name?” he wondered, a smile starting to form.
“No, I’m asking if you do.” He didn’t answer.
“What’s my favorite color? favorite band?” I kept asking. “What about my hobbies? Or my most embarressing moments?”
He was thinking, and I was happy about that. I was slightly dissapointed, though that he hadn’t known the answers right off the bat.

“Archer. Red. Cheese pizza with pineapple. Don’t Tell Sophie.” I knew.

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