The horror
((The sequal whiich I had read was horrible and made no sense heres what I think would happen.))
"Ma'am please tell me exactly what happened."The officer sighed, trying to calm the hysterical woman.
“All I heard was that bastard killing them.”She wept loudly as Justin slipped out of the room. He walked down to the room the others had stayed in.
He snuck into the room and gasped loudly.There was blood everywhere and a large lead pipe in the middle of the floor.
A small stuffed rabbit covered in blood sat in the corner.He picked it up slowly.”Why?”
He mumbled softly as he looked into the rabbits eyes as if expectng an answer. “Tell me!!!”He cried angry tears burning his face.
A large man grabbed onto his shoulder and he screamed."Son you shouldn't be 'ere"The large cop said coldly.
He dragged the boy out of his room and back upstairs.”Justen come here.”
His mother said softly embracing him in a hug unsure of the future.But for now they were safe.