When we all suck
There comes a time when one must say that enough is enough. And as it goes, Alan had had enough.
The screen in front of him was emblazoned with all manner of idiocy and trite stupidity. Gentle idiots and orphans and the evil that dwelt in men’s souls and…
“Shut it off,” he said to the screen, rubbing his temples in frustration, “Just shut it the fuck off.”
He sat there for a moment with his eyes closed, letting the light of the monitor replay against the screen of his eyelids, like the same redundant movie he had been watching all night. Those pulsating flashes would not subside, like a techno song gone horribly awry.
He flipped off the monitor with a drag of his finger and rolled over in his cot, knowing that sleep was only moments away. The stale smell of his own dirty laundry and lack of hygene assailed him as he jumped towards unconciousness, hating the decision before him.
“They’re all bad, ” Alan muttered to himself, “How am I to choose the one to die?”