
Crazy? (Sequel to Spoke to Soon) JD Series

“Hold up! You went threw my planner?” said John
“a little bit.” said Denise.
“Denise, I know your crazy, I wouldnt cheat on u. So chill Damn. Now let me get back to my meeting with Steph.”
“Fine but if that woman whispers in your ear 1 more time, I’ll beat that bitch with a bat.”
John laughed as he walked away. Denise walked past the 2 giving Stephanie “the death eye” & lipping “Dont mess with him bitch”.
Steph looked at John. “Did you see that crazy woman over there, I think she just called me a bitch. She better not mess with me or touch my man.”
“Your man?” said John.
“Oh, thats what I wanted to ask you about?” she said.
“That crazy woman over their is my girlfriend, for a year now.”
“Oh well if I beat her will you go with me.”
“Hell no. I love that crazy ass thing over there and she’s actually two minutes from beating your ass for flirting with me so I would watch your back.”
“Oh, okay I’m not scared of a black girl. And why are u an white man dating a black girl.”
“Anyway, I’m out!”

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