
School Always Sucked

Radical combat boots?

They call that crap “zero tolerance”. Its on its way out! Lawsuits I read, no more Gestapo tatics. But, I read, I hear, I know its never been easy for anyone who is “different” in any way, whether you’re Enrico Fermi or “Flaming Fred” to be in such an artificial institution as school
School reflects society, which reflects what we perceive as “life’.
“Shit”, I think disgustedly.
Yeah, school sucks, and life sucks, but what do I do? What does anyone do?
Be yourself. Above all, “To thine own self be true.”, that’s what they teach by “The Bard”, Shakespeare, in English Lit.
They teach us about the pioneers, the ones that dared to be different.
“Shit!” I think again, 40 years ago, most of these teachers had bell bottoms, long hair, tight jeans, beads, smoked grass and protested the Vietnam War. Now? They’re tools of the system. They gave up.

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