I hit the “scramble” on the day’s digital journal, and the computers proceeded to write and create a rudimentary “biofic”, which would be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Deciding on the the Copyright Office, with its broadening powers, as an “arbiter” of that which Fair Use would permit in depictions of anyone on the internet began unofficially in the mid 60’s. I would be protected against “infringement” or “invasion of privacy” as long as I kept to fictionalising.
The sound sytem in the walls randomly played music to add to the Harper Field, confusing any lasers bouncing off the field itself. Some ancient song played “8675309”, something about a girl named Jenny, and a phone number on a wall. The math matrix used would play any song actually composed (and properly paid for), and “create” music based on secure alogorithms.
I had one ancient holdover to suit anonymity. A “hardbound” blank paged, actual paper journal, a blank book, in which I wrote with an old fashioned “ink” pen.