
Two Slimes

The sun had already set when I walked into the diner and saw the two guys I was meeting having a quiet conversation. Without regard for privacy I strolled to the table and took the seat across from the two I knew so well but didn’t know enough about.

“Why’d ya break up with her, Don?” I asked.

Don stopped mid-conversation and turned toward me, smiling. “She’s not shallow enough, I need someone that makes me want to look hotter.”

“I was right about you, John, you are a self-absorbed slime.” I looked to the squat guy beside him and sighed, “Who the hell let you come?”

“Oh, I thought you’d be happy to see me, you think I’m hot stuff, right?” Paul sneered.

Unsure of how I was ever friends with these two boys, I closed my eyes to concentrate.

“Well…well…you could say that.” I replied with a tone only bitter can create.

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