
The Clothes Make the Hero

“Is the cape really necessary?” Herbert let out a long sigh, “I mean, I look like a dork with it.”
Don Rialdo stomped his feet as he paraded around the room. “Was Elton John a dork when he wore his Donald Duck suit? Was Rupal a dork when he brought drag queens to the forefront? No! They have style. They know how to express themselves through an image.” He paused in front of a mirror to adjust his collar. “Why does no one recognize the 100 most powerful men and women in the world? Because they lack visual expression. They dress in dull, drab business suits that make no statement. You have to wear those tights and cape. A hero is someone who stands above others. A super hero must tower above anyone and anything and you simply cannot do that wearing Dockers, a tee shirt and Tevas. Is that understood?”
Herbert looked down at the bright red tights and blue patent leather boots. He shrugged out a “fine” as he thought about what Don Rialdo did for Spiderman’s public image.

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