
Tortured Thoughts 3

She was afraid to move, but she had to look. She ran to the door and snatched it open. Her father lay on the ground, blood pooled beneath his head. She screamed so loud her throat ached. Her mother sat on the floor, her knees pulled against her chest. She sobbed so hard her whole body shook. This was the moment she became so paralyzed with fear. This was her fault. Her thoughts had killed her dad. She wished he was dead and now he was. She was a murderer. How could she ever think such a thing. She wanted to take it all back. She didn’t mean it. She was just mad, hurt. Now what. Now…she was on the couch, in a sterile office telling her problems to a stranger. All for what? She didn’t understand. Noone would every understand. She didn’t even understand it herself. All she knew was, her whole entire life was being controlled by her thoughts and she was tired of it. She wanted to be free from it all. She wanted to be normal like most people. They say the beginning of getting help is admit you have a problem.

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