

“This must be the one he meant. I can see the foundation.” The car pulled over next to the square of wooden flooring laying beside the overgrown grass. I had been the only property they had seen from the car in the past 2 miles. Anna-Mae and the boy stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to the flat board floor and stepped up onto it. After walking across it, (“This doesn’t seem too sturdy..”) the boy had gotten his sneaker heel stuck in a couple of spots were the boarding was especially brittle and snapped off and down. Why Mr. Gessnick had wanted to buy this particular lot and build on it, there was no telling. After a couple of moments, the middle-aged woman was ready to leave, determined to go back to their employer and tell him that the property was indeed there and ready to be flattened. She couldn’t understand why he would want it..

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