
Bring It! (Sequel to New Client) JD Series

A week later:
Denise & Lyn entered the gym went to the track where they saw John &Steph working out together. Steph caught eyes with Denise & Lyn & she waved her middle finger in the air. Denise rolled her eyes as they kept walking.
“I hate that bitch with a passion.” said Denise.
“I know.” said Lyn.
Later into the workout Lyn & Denise decided to shower & leave but as they walked pass the pool they saw something that they wasnt expecting.John &Steph making out by the pool.
Lyn looked at Denise running towards the pool screaming “bitch”. Denise punch her into the pool. Lyn ran up beside John. Denise & Steph were fighting wildl. Denise kicked her in the stomach and was pounding on her body fiercely. John jumped into the pool to separate them.He finally got them separate as both woman were yelling in chaos. John let go of his grip of Steph & she charged over to Denise. Denise nailed her fist in her chest & then scratch her face. Steph came back with a punch to her face and Denise really let loose.”Bring it”

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