
Stovohobo the Ficlets Maniac

Stovohobo had been a normal boy. He did stuff with his friends, went to school, and did everything normally. One day he found a site called ficlets, and he became addicted. Things stopped being normal. Stovohobo would stay in his room sitting at his hp pentop computer writing story after story. He didn’t shower, he didn’t go to school, he didn’t do anything he would normally do. As the days passed by Stovohobo began pale and skinny. His skin was dry and cracked and his was long and nasty. But every story made it better and so he stayed in his room. One day the power went out Stovohobo’s 6,000 story got deleted. He stood up,
“Computer offffff!!”he shrieked running at the door. He had grown and his body smashed through the door.

“WANT COMPUTER !!!”he screeched. As he jumped down the steps smething happend; Stovohobo remembred what it was like to be normal. He stopped his hair shrunk back and he became normal again.

“AHHHHH!! Stovohobo!! OMG ….Oh, it was just a dream”

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