
The Toughest Question

If I could write it all
If say it all
From the deepest reaches of my heart believe me babwould
I would tell it all to you in a New York minute
But see there is this one question that I can’t get though
And I don’t what to do
Here is the question I can’t get though
Because my heart is stuck on you
What did I do to deserve a man like you
Man so sweet almost to kind
And only one word comes to mind
When I think of you
Your an Angel in disguise I swear it
When ever where a part my heart thinks you
When you’re near I can’t think clear
But I won’t trade it for any thing in this world
And you can believe it because I t see itWhat did I do to deserve a man like you
Man so sweet almost to kind
And only one word comes to mind
When I think of you
Your an Angel in disguise I swear it
I would cross the 7 seas to be with you
I’ll be Columbus and sail the ocean blue
Nothing keep from you
Not even death could keep me from you
What did I do to deserve a man like you
your and Angel I swear it

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