My Friends - Part One
I have nothing to write. Today I shall be boring. No amazing adventures in my series, no songs to report, no poems to be had. I shall, today, write of my friends and what they mean to me. I have a few friends who I hold close. They are the ones who I tell everything. I tell different things to different friends.
Sarah: Sarah, my shining star. I’m glad you trust me. Oh you make me smile when I’m having a bad day, make me laugh when I don’t want to. It’s hard to put into words what I feel for you. Your my best friend.(EXCEPTIONS: ALYSSA P . + BLOSSOM P .) Only You know what this means:
Blossom: You are my ball of energy. Tickling, blowing in ones ear for a contest, running away from cars, our theme song. Same with Sarah, I’m also glad you trust me. MWAHAHA ! Wonderful times, wonderful times.
Josh D.: Yes your on here. My cuz. Yes, I love you, 2! You make me smile. I’m glad your doing things Jehovah’s way. I love how funny you are W/O really trying. Your jokes are hilarious!