I hate flirting.
I hate when people flirt with me.
I hate flirting with other people.
I hate when people send mixed signals.
It hurts.
I hate when boys flirt with every girl.
What’s that gonna make others think?
I hate when boys make fun of me.
It’s hurt’s my self esteem.
I hate when people treat me different just because I’m a girl.
What does it exactly mean to be a girly-girl?
What does it exactly mean to be a tomboy?
I’m not a girly-girl nor I’m a tomboy.
I like fashion and I like to play sports.
Just because I’m a girl don’t discrminate.
Mostly because I probably kick your butt in anything you challenge me too.
I’m not sexist I just wanna be an equal.
In EVERY field.
When I come up to you and boys playing football
Don’t tell me I can’t play
Or you’ll be dealing with my fist
And every other girl that wants to play.
All I’m saying is this of a decent reason that I can’t play.
Not that I’m a girl.
Try for something witty
That will blow me away.
But don’t hurt yourself