Part V: Boarding Parties
“Scar you know your job-get to it!â?, he said, then picked up the comms
“Crew we have incoming boarding parties, prepare to defend the ship. Missile crews, put some hot hornets in the tubes. Gunner crews are to get a firing solution. “. He looked down to the crew in the bridge “Turn the ship about, head for the south gate, throttles 100%, instruct the fleet to follow and engage if engaged. Do not stray more then 5km from the ship. Do it!â? he snapped. Then he looked at Scar-“Why are you still here pilot! You have your orders, get your ass down in that cockpitâ?.
Scar snapped to attention then ran from the bridge, pushing past the guards on his way out. Suddenly there was a large blast and the ship rocked violently. “Boarding partiesâ? he thought to himself.