Her Name (Sequel to The Night Out3) JD Series
John finally hit the bed after a long night of taking care of his drunken Steph. He couldnt help to think “i dont know what to do?” Later on that night, Steph woke up from her drunken sleep to run to the bathroom. When she finally came out an hour later, she watched John asleep. “He is so cute.”
She jumped into bed with him & grabbed on to him.
When she heard that she jumped up from him.
“Hug me tighter.” he whisper while asleep.
Steph looked at him with disgust as she flopped back on to the bed.
“Denise, no sex tonight, I’m tired.” he said again.
“Oh my gosh he still likes her.” whispered Steph. “No this cant be happening. I need to break him from that tramp.”
She put her hand in his pants & the touch woke him up.
“Huh, hey sexy, what are you doing?”
“Nothing.What were you dreaming of?” said Steph.
“Nothing.” he whispered.
“Okay, well lets make love.”
“Nah, your still drunk.”
“No, I’m not, I wanna show you that I improved in bed.”
“Its not the time, show me tomorrow.”
“Okay baby.”