
Noah: My 3 Sons & The Tale of the Wooper Rooper &Fabled Tibbargorf

“Looks’ like we’re gonna have us a gullywasher today boys”, the heavyset beared man said to his three sons.

“Ok , Ham, Shem, Japeth, gather around, bring me that animal list names. Ok lets see, we’ve got two aarvarks on board, a pair of armadillos’ mmhm”, he looks as the animals two by two board the giant seafaring vessel he and his sons had built, per specific instructions.

“Oy, vut might these strange creatures be?”, he asked befuddledly, staring at a pair of pink round cabbage patched faced things, with smiles on their faces.

Looking at the list, Ham spoke up,” They’re called Axoltol.”

“More commonly called a Wooper Rooper,Shem said.

The pair of Wooper Roppers ( Axoltols’) with their froglike feet and hands, smiled proudly as they entered the ark.

The day wore on, the ark almost full.
“Oy vey”, said Noah ‘Vat else do vee got?”

“A Tibbargorf”, said Japeth,” It says here it’s a combo frog rabbit, that hops backward”.

“Oy vey” ,said Noah as the rain started to pour.

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