Flash, Bonk, Whiz, Bam!
Flash, Bonk, Whiz, Bam! It was 1983. Mario walked into Charlie’s Arcade, removed the chewing tobacco from his lower lip, and adjusted his ball cap more firmly on his head. He slid a one dollar bill into the mouth of
the change machine. It ate up the dollar and coughed up four round coins with a clatter.
He waved to his friends as he picked up the tokens. “Donkey Kong, dudes! I got high score,” he said as they walked over.
“We know, man. It’s a new record,” his friend Pax said as he ashed his Newport on the carpet. “We told Charlie, and he’s calling the company. You know – Nintendo.”
“I knew you could do it,” Pauline said, twirling a pink umbrella around her wrist.
“So let’s go check it out. Kip, that jock dude, is playing now,” Pax said. They looked over at the brightly colored machine as a frustrated player smashed his foot into the kickplate. He reached into his jacket which had a big 83 sewn to the sleeve.
“You suck, man!” Pax said. “Mario’s next. He’s got high score.”
“Bite me, Dweeb!” Kip said.