

Why did I think that I meant anything to him? He has never seen me as more than a friend. I wish he would tell me how he feels himself, instead of having our mutual friends tell me. I wish I could stop thinking about him, and all the reasons I used to like him. I just have to keep repeating the reasons I shouldn’t like him, because if I forget why I don’t want to like him then I’m back where I started from, hopelessly in love with someone that will never love me. I hate it when a boy can’t see that nice girls are just as fun to date as hot girls are. If everyone thought like he does, he would be very lonely very often because he’s not hot, just kind of cute. Hmmm…....I suppose he’s free to have his own opinions, and I can’t change him. I just wish it wasn’t so hard to stop thinking about him…..

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