Very cool concept. I like how it fits the picture.
cool, cool
Nicely reminiscent of the beginning of Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon. I look forward to seeing where you and others take this.
this was very interesting…nice portayal of the survivors’ guilt, and the ‘cut-and-dry’ feel at the end.
I liked the opening line – specific descriptions (like quarter to three) can make a story seem more real – not like a story at all, which is the whole idea.
very good
This could go many fun places, both forward and back.
the quarter to three was my homage to Sinatra. so glad yas liked it, detective fiction is my fav genre.
Batak Beatrix
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
Howie Amourscow
T.F. Torrey