

Two Weeks Later
January 13 2007
Nicole moved out and is living with Danielle now.I dont blame her she must hate me.But now comes the hard part I’m pregnant with Marc’s child.I havent told her or Danielle but I feel really bad and you can tell I’m pregnant.I’m getting sick,my breasts are getting HUGE ,and Marc is always with me now.This will kill his football career,and its all my fault.Now I’m also rooming with a freshman me,a upperclassWOMEN,stuck with a freshman as a roommate.But now,I think its time to tell Nicole.How do you tell your best friend that you’re pregnant with her ex’s child?I’m freaking out.Maybe I’ll just make Marc tell her but Marc has been acting strange latelyI just can’t take it,I’m pregnant now!I need to think on my own now.
I close the journal and place a hand on my stomach,rubbing up and down.I look down at my lap. I start to cry,my life is ruined.

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