Was he talking to me? (Sequel to the Date2) JD Series
“Welcome to Starbucks”
“Hey Denise!”
“I just came by to get some of your lovely coffee.”
“Well, for you its on the house, what would you like?”
“I would like a Black Tea.”
“Coming right up”said Denise.”So Dewayne, how was your night last night.”
“With you, great! So are you really going to hook me up with Lyn!”
“Yeah.” She looked at the door to see John come in.”
“Oh no! John’s here.”said Denise.
“Do you wanna kiss again?” Dewayne said.
“No, Lyn might see us.”
“Welcome to Starbucks”
John said, “D, I need to talk with you.”
John looked at Dewayne as Dewayne stared right back.
“John, I’m at work, this is not the time.”
“Why cause your boyfriend is here?”
“Where? Dewayne?”
“Yeah, I saw you slutting it up last night?”
“WHAT!” she said back.
Dewayne interrupted, “Slutting it up.”
“Fine Denise if you dont want to speak with me then fine.”
“Did you just call me a slut?” said Denise.
“I definitely need to talk with u, please come to my house tonight.” he said as he left.