
Let Me Stay! (Sequel to Bentley) JD Series

Denise was silently laying on her bed, peacefully trying to regain consciousness when the five friends walked in.
All five started to cry when they saw her laying there.
John walked up to her and touched her face. He saw bruises and cuts on her right arm and shoulder, he saw her brown sugar face with bruises on it.
“I cant believe this shit.”
Two hours into it the 5 friends just talking to her and then the nurse told them that visiting hours are over but John refused to leave her side.
“Let me stay here,I wont be a bother. Ya can go home, I need to stay.” said John.
“Are you in her family?” said the nurse.
“No, but she is my fiance.” said John.
The others looked at him weird.”We will go, can Lyn and John stay in the room?” said Trish, Toya and Dewayne.
“Thats fine.
John and Lyn went back into the room.

The next day around 2pm, Denise regained consciousness. She opened her eyes to see John & Lyn in praying position next to her. She looked around to her surrounds to find herself in a hospital bed.

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